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Hot Chemotherapy in Advanced Cancer

Hot Chemotherapy in Advanced Cancer

hot chemotherapy Hyperthermic in medicine It is known as Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy . It is the heating of cancer drugs in certain proportions by using special medical devices in certain types of cancer that recurs or in advanced home cancers, after which the visible tumors are removed with surgery for a certain period of time. Then it is given into the abdomen and the inside of the abdomen is washed.

This application is an application that has come to the fore recently, especially in advanced cancer applications. Today,

  1. Colon cancer,
  2. appendix cancer,
  3. ovarian cancer,

It is used in many places, including . In this respect, cytoreduction hypec gives new hope to many patients. Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Atabey provides this service by taking advantage of all the possibilities of medicine.

Who Is Hot Chemotherapy For?

hot chemotherapy Today, it is applied to many types of cancer. It is especially suitable for ovarian cancer, large intestine-rectum cancer, intra-abdominal cancer, which is the fourth stage when first diagnosed or recurred, and which is thought to be completely removed from the house, which is confined to the abdomen.

In addition , hot chemotherapy in appendix cancer can be used without any problem in some stomach cancers. Since the treatment plan is planned according to the patient, it differs from person to person.

Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Atabey Peritoneal hot chemotherapy in the treatment of mesothelioma and other types of cancer successfully apply it.

How Does Hot Chemotherapy Benefit the Patient?

Intra-abdominal chemotherapy Also known as hype , it provides patients with great benefits compared to standard chemotherapy applications. Under normal conditions, patients begin treatment 1-2 weeks after their wounds heal and after surgery.

However , this method, which has recently been used as a cancer treatment , is completely different. It is performed during the surgical procedure for tumors that are reduced to 2 mm, invisible during the surgical procedure, and cannot be removed by surgery.

Thus, it is aimed to dissolve and dispose of tumors. Thus , hot chemotherapy for colon cancer application provides many benefits to the patient. Before this application, the patient is first evaluated.

Then it is checked how suitable it is for hot chemotherapy . If there is no problem, the appropriate dose and type of drug is determined according to the tumor type of the patient. All tumors that spread into the abdomen are removed with surgery. Afterwards, the prepared chemotherapy drug is emptied into the abdomen using a special machine. The drug is circulated in the abdomen for approximately one hour.

After the procedure is completed, the patient is taken to an intensive follow-up and treatment program. Thus , hot chemotherapy in ovarian cancer application ends.

How Effective Is Hot Chemotherapy in Cancer Types?

Hypoc therapy is used effectively in different types of cancer. When ovarian cancer is taken into consideration, there is a 5-year probability of survival, reaching 52 percent, if appropriate removal surgery. It increases up to 80 percent in 5 years in tumors that spread to less organs, have good chemotherapy sensitivity, and behave well.

In peritoneal cancer, a suitable and clean surgery and warm chemotherapy application increases the 5-year life to 40 percent probabilities. However, this is limited to only 6 to 12 months if normal treatments are used. So hyec offers quite high options.

Hot chemotherapy in appendix cancer In its application, clean surgery and hype to intra-abdominal dissemination increases the 5-year lifespan up to 80 to 90 percent. Even if the behavior is bad, around 50 percent, a 5-year life is around 50 percent.

However, even 2-year life expectancy with normal treatment methods is seen at very low levels. When hypec treatment in colon cancer is examined, it is noticed that it offers efficient results.

In large intestine-rectum cancers with intra-abdominal spread, the average life span is around 6 to 12 months with normal treatment. However, a correct hype application increases the 5-year lifespan to around 40 percent.

Likewise, it is a very successful application in gastric cancer. Although the studies are not fully clear, it is understood that a correct treatment shows fruitful results.

If you have cancer, regardless of the level, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Atabey, intra-abdominal warm chemotherapy He does all the work in a professional manner. By acting according to the medical history of all patients, hypec treatment is successfully applied with state-of-the-art medical devices .