VM Medical Park Maltepe Hastanesi

What is colon cancer? when should I have a colonoscopy? 

Colon cancer, which is one of the 5 most common types of cancer in the world, is a Decisively serious disease that can be seen at any age. Colon, aka colon cancer, can be encountered without distinction between men and women.  Although colon cancer, which is more common for women than men, is observed in all age groups, it mostly occurs over the age of 50. And, as with other types of cancer, it can be treated faster with early diagnosis and diagnosis, as well as with other types of cancer.

Colon- what is colon cancer

The large intestine is one of the most important parts of the digestive system. The large intestines, which are on average one and a half meters long, are located in the lower right side of the abdomen in the form of an inverted letter. The risk of cancer occurring in cells located in the colon section in men and women is called colon cancer. Cancer manifests itself by multiplying the number of cells in this section and spreading around the colon. 

Early diagnosis of colon cancer is of great importance, as with all cancers. Because in colon cancer diagnosed at an early stage, the spread of cells will be limited only to the inside of the colon. Treatment will be performed by ensuring that the cells are cleaned in the colon before spreading to nearby organs and lymph nodes. Therefore, it will be possible for you to completely get rid of a colon cancer process that is diagnosed early.

What are the symptoms of colon cancer 

Colon cancer is a disorder that occurs in the digestive system and, therefore, the most common symptoms will manifest themselves with bowel and defecation disorders. Some of the symptoms of colon cancer that are often seen in female and male patients are as follows;

  • Blood coming from the anus and feces,
  • A state of constant diarrhea or constant constipation,
  • The presence of egg white-like secretions in the stool,
  • It is the thinning of feces, which is always of normal thickness. 

These symptoms are still at the beginning of the symptoms that are often encountered in the first stage of cancer. Patients who do not suspect colon cancer from these symptoms will face different symptoms when the disease progresses further. The symptoms of colon cancer, which are now progressing and occur in cases where the cancer has blocked the intestine, are listed as follows;

  • Vomiting,
  • A constant weight loss, the cause of which is unclear,
  • Difficulty defecating,
  • A feeling of intense pain during defecation,
  • The feeling that the intestines are not emptying enough,
  • A constant pain and swelling that occurs in the abdominal area,
  • Anemia caused by iron deficiency,
  • Mass formation in the abdominal area 

such effects are observed. 

Colon cancer diagnosis

With the developments experienced in the medical world, endoscopic methods are coming to the fore at the stage of colon cancer diagnosis. For the diagnosis of colon cancer, the colonoscopy method is used, and thus it is possible to detect cancerous cells at an early stage. Colonoscopy is also of great importance at the stage of diagnosing polyps that have not yet turned into a cancer risk. Polyps that are at risk of turning into cancer are diagnosed and removed by colonoscopy, and therefore the danger of colon cancer is prevented. For this reason, patients who are in the risk group should have endoscopic examinations regular intervals.

When should I have a colonoscopy

The colonoscopy method is the most effective method used at the stage of diagnosing colon cancer. This method can be used at the stage of detecting cancerous cells, as well as it is preferred to prevent the disease before cancerous cells have yet to form. A tumor that forms in the body can be detected at an early stage by colonoscopy. Or a polyp that can cause colon cancer, or all similar problems, can be detected by colonoscopy before it has yet passed to the stage of cancer. In this way, the necessary treatments are applied as a precaution before the cancer starts and patients are not given the opportunity to get colon cancer. 

Therefore, colonoscopy is very important at the stage of early diagnosis of colon cancer. all individuals over the age of 50 are recommended to have colonoscopy intervals depending on their family history, risk situations and personal health history. You don't need to be observing the symptoms of colon cancer to have a colonoscopy. having this application done intervals of 2-5 years is of great importance for early diagnosis and diagnosis. 

What is a colonoscopy, how is it performed

The method used in the examination and screening of all disorders or signs related to the intestine is called colonoscopy. A colonoscope is a medical device that can be bent, in which there is a camera and light at the end. This device is advanced in the large intestine and all findings related to the intestine are examined with the images given out by the camera. The process of using the colonoscope device by specialist physicians to detect diseases and signs is called colonoscopy.